Lines can be drawn anywhere on any form in any direction. These lines are most commonly used for striking out words and sentences. To draw lines, select the Pencil tool from the Tools menu and the cursor turns into a pencil. You cannot enter text when the cursor is pencil.
Draw a Line
Hold the mouse down and move the cursor where you want the line to go.
Drawing a straight horizontal Line.
Hold down the shift key while you draw a line.
Selecting a Line
In order to delete, move, or resize a line, you must first select it. To select a line, first select the Grabber tool from the Tools menu (it looks like a hand with a pointy finger). Click on the line so it has small “handles” on each side. The line is now selected.
Delete a Line
Select the line as described above. Press the delete key, or select Clear from the Edit menu.
Resizing a Line
Select the line as described above. Click on one of the handles, hold the mouse down, and move the handle until the line becomes the desired size.
Moving a Line
Select the line as described above. Click on the line, hold the mouse down, and move the line to where you want it.